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A Guide to Furnace Maintenance for Vancouver Homeowners 

Furnace maintenance is an under-appreciated area of home upkeep. By understanding the maintenance of your furnace and how to keep the system running to its peak efficiency, you can reduce your home heating costs over the coming months while enhancing the safety of the property’s heating structure. 

The Lew Plumbing & Heating Vancouver furnace service team has decades of experience maintaining furnaces from Canada’s top manufacturers, including Lennox, Carrier, and Trane. To help you keep your furnace running flawlessly this winter, we’re presenting our guide to furnace maintenance.

Start by Checking the Furnace Filter

Your furnace’s air filters prevent the free flow of allergens and protect the air quality in the home. Furnace air filters can only work efficiently when not blocked by a layer of dirt and dust. Debris blocking the air filter can cause more allergens to enter the home and force your furnace to work harder, limiting its efficiency and increasing your home heating bills. If you notice a sudden rise in heating costs or limited heating performance, check and replace your furnace air filter before doing any other furnace maintenance.

Ensure the Thermostat Matches Temperature

Ensuring the thermostat and furnace are communicating is essential for home furnace maintenance. Does the thermostat temperature match the temperature in the home? Do you notice any errors on the thermostat? If the thermostat isn’t giving you an accurate reading of the heating levels, check for a faulty battery before going any further. If the batteries are working, check for preset heating programming. Clear all preset temperatures and set your temperature according to your heating comfort.

Remove Obstacles Around The Furnace

Throughout the year, the area near your furnace can become cluttered. There should be at least 30 inches around the equipment for optimal ventilation. Keeping a clear path will help with ventilation and ensure you or your furnace repair provider can access the unit in an emergency.

Improve Your Overall Home Heating Efficiency

Protecting your furnace and keeping an efficient heating system means optimizing your heating infrastructure. One of the best ways to maintain your furnace this year is to take the following heating efficiency measures:

Seal air leaks around windows and doors

Most heat loss occurs through leaks around your home’s doors and windows. Seal these small gaps to prevent heat from escaping. 

Move all furniture away from heating vents

Furniture is one of the most common obstacles blocking heat throughout the family home. Move furniture throughout the home away from vents to allow optimal heat flow in all spaces. 

Installing thick curtains

Thick curtains can help seal in the heat during winter and prevent overloading your furnace. 

FAQ On Furnace Maintenance 

Proactive furnace maintenance can help you save money on heating this winter and maximize the longevity of your furnace, whether you own a gas or electrical model. Below are some of the more common furnace maintenance questions our Vancouver heating repair experts receive:

How Often Should I Have My Furnace Inspected?

Have your furnace inspected and maintained professionally once a year by a qualified furnace service company. This professional maintenance service will help identify safety issues before they impact your home.

What Should I Do If My Furnace Stops Working?

If you’ve checked the furnace air filters and your thermostat’s temperature settings and still can’t restore heat to the home, call a local furnace service provider as soon as possible. Many local companies like Lew Plumbing & Heating offer 24/7 furnace repair services to ensure your family stays warm throughout winter.

How Often Should I Replace the Furnace Filter?

Generally, you should replace furnace filters every three months to ensure the furnace isn’t impacted by debris and dust. You may wish to change your furnace filter every month throughout winter to benefit from the highest heating performance and efficiency levels. 

Call Lew Plumbing & Heating Vancouver for Furnace Services

From our emergency furnace repair to the company’s furnace installation services, Lew Plumbing & Heating offers decades of experience optimizing furnace performance. Call our furnace service experts today to book your service.